When the application is added to the Shopify store and payment is completed, a wizard starts to help the user with the necessary configuration.
By answering a number of questions, rules are created that will determine how the posted vouchers will look.
When the application is activated, sales orders from the previous day are retrieved and compiled into an aggregated record of today's events. This voucher is then written to the accounting in Visma eEkonomi. The same applies when Shopify Payments pays out money. Information about the payment is captured and posted in a separate voucher.
The verification that is created will be divided by VAT rate.
If it is chosen that one or more line types (discounts, shipping costs, etc.) should be posted separately, these will also be posted per VAT rate on the selected account.
When does the transfer take place?
The collection and compilation of orders takes place sometime after midnight and processes the orders created during the previous 24 hours.
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