What is it?
Error reports are created during the night if the feature is activated and an error has been generated in the customer account during the last 24 hours.
The aim is to inform you, as the information owner, of the error so that the root cause can be corrected as soon as possible. Errors that are handled quickly tend to have less impact than those that are left without action for a longer period of time.
The goal is to give you enough information about the error so that you will know what needs to be done to correct the issue. It might be to correct the data supplied by the customer or to update the configuration of a system in the integration chain.
What should you do?
If you receive an error report please investigate the errors in the report and try to correct the root cause. Most of the errors are corrected outside the Sharespine platform by updating information or configuration in the systems to which Sharespine connects.
If you don't understand what needs to be done to correct the error don't hesitate to contact Sharespine Support and request assistance.
Report content
The report contains information about in which system connection (connector) that the error occurred, the affected object (product, order etc), how many times it has occurred and a description of the error. Depending of the error the description can contain both the root cause, what needs to be done to fix it and also a reference to affected objects (order numbers, product SKU's etc)
How do I activate it?
If you do not get error reports sent to you today please contact Sharespine Support and request that it is activated for your account. Specify to which mail address you want the report sent.
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